Ryan is my rock! He is just the man I need in life to keep me focused and balanced. He is my best friend and I cannot imagine life without him. The longer I am married the more I realize just how lucky I am. He has always kept us and our family a priority and I know he will continue to do so. Ryan is also one of the most balanced men I know. He makes juggling work, family, play, and church look like a walk in the park. He never lets one or the other spill over into each other, he is amazing. Ryan gets along with anyone, and is the best dad. Jayna and him are bonded at the hip and have a million silly little games that they play all the time. As soon as Jayna hears the garage door open at five she runs and hides (every single day) and the games begin as soon as he walks in and they usually do not stop until bedtime. Ryan is a dad that does not shy away from the day to day parenting duties, he jumps right in and gets things done no matter how messy or inconvenient. In-fact at church he is the bigger baby stealer out of both of us. He is always whispering for me to go get someones baby so that he can hold them. He loves kids and I cannot tell you how many times other moms have complimented me about how great Ryan is with Jayna and or their kids. Ryan always makes time for me, I probably talk to him on the phone at least a handful of times everyday while he is at work. Ryan has made so many of my dreams come true already and I know he will continue to do so for the rest of my life. He has such a laid back and calm personality that puts everyone and every situation at ease. He is kind, handy, athletic, talented, smart, wise and I LOVE HIM!!!
. work trip to Whistler.
. time with baby .
. trying out the baby hiking backpack .
. doing dishes with Jayna in the front pack .
. out to dinner .
. seeing a brother-in-law off on a mission at the airport .
. picking out pumpkins .
. 30th birthday old mans day out party .
. young mens fundraiser with the boys at R.C. Willey .
. making dinner .