Hello! Thank you for visiting our adoption blog, and taking a closer look at our family. We understand how big of a decision this is for you, and thank you for considering adoption. We are excited to grow our family through adoption and consider it a blessing.

Thirteen years ago at a youth dance while a Brittney Spears song was blaring in the background a 16 year old Jill and an 18 year old Ryan met for the first time. From that moment on we dated, fell in love, married in the Oakland temple and have been journeying through life together every since. The music in the background has changed a couple times since that first meeting, but we are still full of that same kind of love and commitment that brought us together in the beginning.

Along our journey we have come to realize that growing a family will not be as easy for us as it is for some. With Jill having experienced a miscarriage, and then a complicated pregnancy that ended up being life threatening to her and the baby, along with our current infertility problems that are unanswered we feel very blessed to have our little girl Jayna as a part of our family. And we are excited and feel very fortunate to have the option of adoption available to us.

Jayna is full of life and keeps us on our toes. She loves learning new things and is always looking forward to the next adventure. As her parents we love to see and learn from her enthusiasm for everything, and it is exciting to be able to teach her and see her develop along the way.

We are a family that is committed to each other, and our goal is to build strong relationships with one another through love, forgiveness, respect, and compassion. We love playing with Jayna, having fun, working together on house projects, watching movies, gardening, getting together with family and friends, and just being ourselves. Our families are very supportive of our decision to adopt and are looking forward to welcoming a new member to our family.

We believe that through situations in life our Heavenly Father is often asking us questions. Are we humble enough? Strong enough? Thankful enough? Obedient enough? Selfless enough? And most the time our answers are given in our reactions to those situations. Jill specifically through her experiences has felt the whispering question of "how willing are you to be a mother to my children?" being asked of her. Of which we feel confident replying back in prayer and our actions that we are willing to be parents to Heavenly Fathers children no matter what that means or looks like. We know you have your own questions in life to answer just as we do and it often feels like we are insignificant people trying to make heavenly decisions, but we know that with the spirit it is possible for us to align our decisions with the ones our Heavenly Father would have us make.

We do not know what it is like to be in your shoes, but hope this to be a spiritual and healing journey for you that allows you to feel and know of Gods love for you specifically, no matter what the outcome maybe. For you to even be reading this must mean that you are the kind of person that is willing and able to look outside yourself to weigh the options for a child you already love, but have not yet meet. We look forward to possibly taking this journey with you, and hope we can both find peace and happiness at the end of this road that we both are traveling. It would be silly to think that there would be anything less than that at the end of the day when there is a precious child at the center of it all.

We want you to know that we are committed to making this the best experience it can be for you and your child. If you have any questions please contact us. We are only an email or phone call away.


Ryan, Jill, and Jayna Hutchings