During his mission Jill attended BYU and returned home to California a couple months before Ryan's return. Once Ryan was home they reacquainted themselves and began dating again just as they had left off. Jill started a carrier as a make-up artist and cosmetics manager for Nordstrom, and Ryan enrolled in a local college and worked at Hewlett Packer.
Over the next year Ryan and Jill had the best time of their lives while building their relationship further. With their homes being about 30 minutes apart they put plenty of miles on their cars and had many long car rides to talk about life and their future together. When Ryan was accepted to BYU they knew it was time to make things official and take the next step in their journey together. Ryan proposed to Jill at the place they first meet and there was music in the air (there really was). It was everything Jill could have imagined that moment to be.
Ryan and Jill were then sealed 6 months later in front of our close family and friends in the Oakland California Temple. During their engagement Jill accepted a job transfer with Nordstrom to Salt Lake City and moved out there a couple months after their engagment. It was hard and meant that they were apart once again, but Jill traded planning her wedding in California for the opportunity to establish a good job and life for them in Utah. Later on Ryan joined Jill in Utah when he began attending BYU and a couple of months later they returned home to get married. Ryan and Jill have amazing wedding stories and could win any wedding story contest hands down, but it is just to long to write about so ask them sometime if you want a good laugh.
After a honeymoon to Hawaii they returned home to a little duplex in Provo Utah where they lived for the next 3 years and enjoyed BYU newlywed life.
While there Jill once again transferred with Nordstrom from Salt Lake to Orem and Ryan was accepted to the Marriott School of Business at BYU and the two of them adopted their little dog Red from a rescue group. After graduation Ryan was fortunate enough to get hired by a wonderful company in Salt Lake City were he was their Marketing Manager.
Before After
There Ryan and Jill purchased a condo in Holladay that they completely renovated, which is how Ryan and Jill learned that they are not only good at working together but love being handy and creative. Jill quit working when they moved to Salt Lake City so that they could establish a life on Ryan's income and be confident and ready to start a family since it has always been their goal for Jill to be a stay at home mom.
Once settled Ryan and Jill began to try for a little one. After one miscarriage and a complicated pregnancy Ryan and Jill welcomed into the world their little girl Jayna Berry on Jill's birthday of all days.
Ryan and Jill have currently lived in Taylorsville for coming up on 3 years and feel incredibly blessed looking back on their lives together and how everything has unfolded from the very beginning. They see our Heavenly Fathers attentive love in all the details of their lives and know they are where they are suppose to be in all aspects.